Opt out luggage

Premium airline companies include luggage in the flight. You don’t have to pay extra for it, but you can’t choose to opt-out either. If they offered a method to opt-in on luggage, the company would lose its reputation as a “premium” airline company. That’s why I think they should offer to be able to opt-out on the luggage. You can then be compensated for example by a voucher in a tax-free shop. This brings benefits to all parties involved:

  • The airlines can sell the freed space to transport cargo items.
  • The consumer has a voucher for a shop in the airport.
  • There is an incentive for the consumer to buy something at the tax-free shop. The airlines pay the vouchers with a part of the profit they make transporting the cargo, so the shop makes profit.
  • Cargo transport becomes cheaper, because there is more space for cargo.